
Sunday 9 September 2018

What you most not take or eat on empty stomach

There are surprising things you shouldn't do on an empty stomach, as it can lead to a few unwanted consequences, explained health expert David Wolfe. For instance, you might start to become ravenous (never a fun feeling), lose stamina and energy in whatever you're doing, or make some impulse purchases or decisions out of hunger. Either way, you might regret attempting the task on empty.

"You are what you eat" is an adage known to everyone. But what we do before a meal also has a great impact on our health.

In 2013, a joint analysis of the 15 most popular diets by The American College of Cardiology, Heart Association, and Obesity Society revealed what all these diets have in common.

Apparently, all of them advise eating a lot of vegetables, avoiding added sugars, and reducing the consumption of processed food. Yet, one important issue is often forgotten: the fact that some foods, however healthy, should never be eaten on an empty stomach.

We often make the mistake of eating some things or carrying out some activities with nearly no food in our stomach. Doctors and scientists have said that this is unhealthy and may have damning results on our body in the long run.

When I say ‘empty stomach’, I’m referring to anything exceeding about 2 and a half hours after your last meal. Some things to avoid doing on an empty stomach are:

Eat spicy food:
According to Lisa Ganjhu, MD, a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone Medical Center over interview with Huffington Post, eating spicy food when hungry can be really problematic on the stomach lining and can lead to upset. Your body needs something in the belly to mix with the spices to avoid irritation.

Drink Alcohol:
Without eating, the alcohol absorption rate increases by a factor of 2 and is the same as during its intravenous injection. In contrast, the removal of alcohol breakdown products slows down, which provokes a severe hangover. The rapid effect of alcohol on the body doesn’t go without negative consequences for your liver, heart, and kidneys.

If the situation doesn’t allow you to refuse a drink, give preference to cooled noncarbonated drinks as they are absorbed more slowly. Better yet, eat at least a small sandwich, ideally one that contains butter.

Although there is a specific diet called The Morning Banana Diet which promotes eating one or more bananas for breakfast and nothing else, eating bananas on an empty stomach might not be the best idea. It is true that bananas are full of potassium, fiber, and magnesium, but they are also acidic and contain a lot of sugar.

Eating acidic food on an empty stomach can cause problems in the intestines, and getting a boost of sugar in the morning can make you feel drowsy and energy-drained after a couple of hours. These problems can be solved if you mix bananas with other foods.

Tablets and pills:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and paracetamol shouldn’t be taken on an empty stomach this not only reduces the effectiveness of the medication but could also cause your stomach lining to bleed. However, if you must, with no access to actual food, wash it down with a glass of milk.

Cold beverages:
Cold drinks of any type on an empty stomach can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. You should be especially concerned about cold carbonated beverages, as they result in bloating and a general uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. It is more advisable  to have a glass of warm water in the morning before having your breakfast as it improves digestion, circulation, and helps with weight loss.

Chewing gum:
When chewing gum, your body produces a digestive acid in your stomach. This acid is very dangerous to an empty stomach. This could lead to gastritis. Studies also show that people who indulge in chewing gum prefer junk food to healthy fruits and vegetables, which are not good for your health. You should also avoid chewing gum for more than 10 minutes even on a full stomach.

Although pears are a generally healthy snack full of vitamins, potassium, and are low in calories, it is advisable to avoid eating pears for breakfast. Pears contain crude fiber which can damage the stomach’s delicate mucous membranes when eaten on an empty stomach. It is especially true for hard pears.

This does not mean that you should avoid pears altogether. In fact, some studies show that people who eat pears are less likely to become obese and tend to have a more high-quality diet.

It’s a common habit to reach out to a cup of coffee when we wake but what your body really needs is food. Drinking black coffee, even decaffeinated, on an empty stomach can produce an acid that will cause heart burns and acid reflux. Skipping breakfast even after drinking coffee can lower the production of serotonin, making you gloomy through the day. If you must, take your coffee with milk as the fat content with milk will aid its digestion and reduce or prevent the cases of heart burn and acid reflux.

A bowl of cereal may be a convenient meal to eat for breakfast, but its large amount of sugar and refined carbs is bad for you. Although it feels filling at first, cereal will spike your blood sugar and insulin levels. A few hours later, you will start craving snacks as your blood sugar crashes.

A 2013 study compared obese adults who skip breakfast to those who eat cereal and to those who consume eggs for breakfast. The participants who consumed a high-protein breakfast with eggs felt fuller longer and craved snacks less than the other two groups. Think about this the next time you are trying to decide between having fried eggs or cereal for breakfast.

Intense training and exercise:
This is to debunk the rumour that training on an empty stomach burns more fat. It does not. There is nothing linking it to fat burn. It does, however cause muscle loss. Training on an empty stomach can also reduce the intensity of your training, making you to burn less fat than if you had a little something to eat.

However, if you insist on fasted training, switch your routines to aerobic exercises. Remember, engaging in exercises causes the release of more gastric acid, which can be harmful. If you have any gastric issues, take a little food before you start your exercise.

Citrus fruits and juice:
Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, contain acid and tough fibres that could harm the stomach lining and should not be taken on an empty stomach. This is very dangerous for those who have gastritis or are at a high risk of developing it. Diluting the juices, however is much more beneficial. Some doctors even recommend taking diluted lemon juice on an empty stomach to detox and flush out toxins.

Despite the idea that yogurt with fruit for breakfast is healthy and promotes weight loss, not all yogurts are a good option. Commercially available yogurts are full of added sugars as well as 0% fat yogurts.

To compensate for the loss of fat in non-fat yogurts, artificial sweetener is added. Finally, not all yogurts contain enough protein. The safest option would be to go for a plain Greek-style yogurt and sweeten it yourself with honey or fruit.

I know that it seems weird having this on the list, but it should not. Studies show that going shopping on an empty stomach causes you to buy more things than you actually need and you also susceptible to buy more junk food than healthy food. You also spend more than your budget.

Your body begins to register things you want and not things you need. But if you must, a pre-hunger list, a list done before you were hungry would be helpful. You should also pay in cash as studies show that people who pay cash spend less than those using cards, probably something to do with seeing your money leave your hand.

Low glucose level and hunger makes it harder to fall asleep. It also causes superficial sleep and early waking up. It is like a feedback reaction, because lack of sleep also increases hunger hormones. Yikes.

This is why we tend to eat more breakfast when we skip dinner. However, it is not healthy to eat too much before sleeping or to sleep with a heavy stomach. To be on a safe side, drink some warm milk. It contains magnesium and calcium that ensures a sound sleep.

Raw green vegetables and tomatoes:
Although vegetables are generally healthy, eating them on an empty stomach may cause irritation in some people, and can even lead to gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. One of the reasons for that is the insoluble fiber  contained in most greens which should be particularly avoided by people with digestion problems.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, low in calories, and nutritious. However, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach as they can cause stomachaches and general discomfort. Similar to some green vegetables, tomatoes contain soluble astringents, causing a reaction with gastric acid.

It may sound crazy but when dieting, starving yourself actually has an opposite negative effect. Instead, eat small healthy snacks at regular intervals.

Manual labour:
Working on an empty stomach leaves you with little energy and you feel fatigued easily. It could also increase your stress level. Fatigue while working could also cause accidents, both minor and fatal ones. Try to grab a healthy breakfast before doing any work.

Be sure to be well fed before making any attempt to study. Lack of food and energy causes you to be fatigued easily and makes it harder to perform active reading or learning.

After a while, your mind may begin to drift and you will end up not really learning much. Same goes for taking any tests or exams. But be careful to not over eat either as it may cause you to sleep off or make you unwell if coupled with nervousness and fear.

Argue or quarrel with someone or your partner:
Researchers have proven that hunger makes us less composed. It happens because self-control requires energy, which is in short supply when the stomach is empty.

If you don’t have time to eat before a discussion, drink something warm, and offer it to your opponent too. This will make the conversation more amicable.

If you're hungry, don't make time to bicker with anyone: It won't end well. Instead, take time to yourself to cool off, grab a snack, and then approach the situation with a clear head and full belly.

According to Brad J. Bushman, PhD, an anger researcher, over interview with The Good Life, Dr. Oz’s magazine, the brain needs fuel to exude self-control and rational thinking. Get those calories, and steer clear of disagreements until then.

If you're in need of a snack, you might want to hold off on doing any of these things. Once you've quieted your belly, you'll be able to approach the situation with clearer thinking and not let that hangry come out.

You can eat garlic and honey on empty stomach:
Surprisingly, garlic and honey is a very good combination of foods to consume on an empty stomach as they can help prepare your stomach to metabolize food in the most optimal way.

To prepare the mixture, combine 12 chopped cloves of garlic with a jar of honey and leave them in a dark place for one week. Eat one spoonful every day before your first meal for the best results.

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