
Thursday 18 October 2018

Why adult and teenagers bedwet and natural cure for it

It's worth noting that bedwetting in adults is actually different than what children go through. And while that might not remove the embarrassment, you must know that nocturnal enuresis is involuntary and not your fault.
To fully understand the how and why you may be experiencing adult bedwetting, a quick anatomy refresher course could be helpful.
Urine is produced by the kidneys and travels through the ureters to the bladder to be stored. The bladder is basically a muscular sac that holds urine until it is ready to be released into the urethra, the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body.
At the same time the bladder contracts, the urinary sphincter relaxes. The relaxed sphincter acts like an open door, which allows the urine to pass and exit the body. When there is a physical impediment or neurological disconnect, urination can become problematic or mistimed.


Like with so many medical issues, the first place to check is family history. Evidence has shown that adult bedwetting is hereditary.

One study has shown that someone with two bedwetting parents has a 77% chance of becoming a bedwetter.

When one parent wet the bed as a child, his son or daughter was found to have a 40% chance of becoming a bedwetter. These probabilities carry into adulthood as well.


Another factor may have to do with ADH, the antidiuretic hormone. Its main function is to signal the kidneys to decrease the amount of urine produced.

Instinctively, the body normally produces more ADH to avoid nocturnal enuresis. However, some people do not produce the appropriate amount of this hormone at night, which leads to high urine production.
In other cases, the body produces ADH, but the kidneys do not respond and continue to produce the same amount of urine. This excessive production of urine during sleep is defined as nocturnal polyuria.

This abnormality can cause nocturnal enuresis in adults, but it is also a symptom related to type I diabetes. Consulting a healthcare professional is helpful especially if you feel that you may be experiencing diabetes or nocturnal enuresis.


Patients with a “smaller” bladder are often dealing with primary nocturnal enuresis. 
Related to FBC, if the muscles of the bladder, known as detrusor muscles, are overactive, nocturnal enuresis can occur.
“In fact, detrusor over-activity has been found in up to 70 to 80 per cent of primary nocturnal enuresis”. 

The physical size of the bladder isn’t actually smaller, rather, the functional bladder capacity (FBC) can hold a smaller volume of urine. 

Psychological problems such as stress, fear, anxiety, side effects of certain medications, excessive ingestion of alcohol and irritable bladder are some of the causes of bed-wetting in adults.


If the muscles of the bladder, known as detrusor muscles, are overactive, nocturnal enuresis can occur. In fact, an overactive bladder muscle has been found in up to 70-80% of adult bedwetting patients. 
Bladder irritants, such as alcohol and caffeine, can contribute to detrusor instability.Try tracking your diet and bladder activity in a bedwetting diary to see if you notice any correlations with what you eat and drink and wetting the bed.


Medications are also known to increase bedwetting in adults. Side effects from hypnotics, insomnia medications, and psychiatric medications such as thioridazine, clozapine, and risperidone can increase your risk. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about any medications prescribed and their side effects.

As for secondary nocturnal enuresis, there is plenty of research that suggests an underlying health issue is at the root of the bedwetting. Such problems can be associated with the prostate in men or pelvic organ prolapse in women.
Any of these medical issues can also cause bedwetting in adults: diabetes, urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones, neurological disorders, anatomical abnormalities, urinary tract calculi, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, bladder cancer, or obstructive sleep apnea.

Most people who wet their beds, wet only at night. They tend to have no other symptoms other than wetting the bed at night.

Other symptoms could suggest psychological causes or problems with the nervous system or kidneys and should alert the family or health-care provider that this may be more than routine bedwetting.

  • Wetting during the day
  • Frequency, urgency, or burning on urination
  • Straining, dribbling, or other unusual symptoms with urination
  • Cloudy or pinkish urine, or blood stains on underpants or pajamas
  • Soiling, being unable to control bowel movements (known as fecal incontinence or encopresis)
  • Conspication 
Frequency of urination is different for children than for adults.
  • While many adults urinate only three or four times a day, children urinate much more frequently, in some cases as often as 10-12 times each day.
  • "Frequency" as a symptom should be judged in terms of what is normal for that particular child.
  • Equally important, "infrequent voiding" (less than three times urinating/day) can be a sign of other underlying problems.
Fecal impaction may present as constipation. Both fecal impaction and constipation cause straining, which can injure the nearby urinary sphincters, muscles that control flow of urine out of the body.
  • Fecal impaction occurs when feces becomes so tightly packed in the lower intestine (colon) and rectum that passing a bowel movement becomes very difficult or even impossible. When the stool is passed, it is often a painful experience.
  • The hard, tightly packed feces in the rectum can press on the bladder and surrounding nerves and muscles, interfering with bladder control.
  • Neither fecal impaction nor constipation is unusual in children.
  • A strict bowel regimen utilizing dietary modification and/or over the counter medications can often alleviate bedwetting


Wetting the bed is caused by a mix of three things:

1.The body making a large amount of urine through the night.

2.Having a bladder that can only store a small amount of urine at night.

3.Not being able to fully wake up from sleep.
Some teenagers and young adults also have bladder problems through the day. Their bladder does not store or empty properly at night or in the day.

         Causes of bedwetting in adult 
  • Genetics. One of the first places to look for causes of urinary incontinence is whether there is a family history of bedwetting.

  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)

  • Small bladder

  • Diabetes

  • Kidney disease

  • Enlarged prostate gland

  • Prostate cancer

  • Bladder cancer

  • Side effects of medications

  • Neurological disorders

  • Stress, anxiety, fear, and other psychological issues

  •  Sleep apnea 

  • An imbalance of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH

    Three main factors affect bed-wetting:

1.) A large volume of urine produced at night which depends on the amount and type of drinks consumed (for example, alcohol is a diuretic), as well as the effect of inadequate amounts of the hormone vasopressin.

Vasopressin is normally secreted in larger quantities at night causing the kidneys to make less urine. Some people secrete less vasopressin than normal during sleep, resulting in larger volumes of urine being produced.

2.) Asmall bladder or a bladder that contracts more than normal during sleep and holds less urine at night. Caffeine and constipation can affect the bladder.

3.) People who sleep deeply as well as those with sleep problems find it difficult to wake when the bladder is full during sleep. Tiredness, medication with a sedative effect, as well as alcohol can also affect sleep arousal.

 Other causes of bedwetting, such as:

A. bedwetting can run in some families
some bladders can’t store much urine through the day or night.

B. some bladders do not fully empty on the toilet, which means some urine stays in the bladder.

C. some kidneys make larger amounts of urine than normal through the night.


Some other things can make it hard to control bedwetting, such as:


*infection in the kidney or bladder

*drinking too many drinks with caffeine or alcohol the use of some medicines and illegal drugs

*allergies or enlarged adenoids and tonsils which block the nose or upper airways at night.


Research has led to new types of treatment. Bedwetting in teenagers and young adults can be more complex than in children.

You must talk to a health professional with special training in bladder problems. You should see a doctor, continence nurse advisor or continence physiotherapist.

This health professional will review the problem. They will do a physical check and some tests. One test may check how well your urine flows. For this test you pass urine in private into a toilet. Another test can check if your bladder empties out fully. You may also be asked to do a bladder diary at home.

Treatment will depend on what was found in the check up, but could include:

- treatment of constipation

- treatment of bladder infection
giving medicines to boost how much urine your bladder can hold.

- giving medicines to cut down how much urine is made through the night training to control how well the bladder stores and empties urine.

- use of an alarm that goes off when the bed or underwear becomes wet.

This can be useful for teenagers and young adults as well as children, even if used before unsuccessfully. Alarms may be used in combination with medicines.

- use of continence products to protect bedding and skin.

- use of products to reduce odour and increase comfort during treatment a mix of some of the above treatments.

The top home remedies that can effectively help in curbing bedwetting are as follows: 

Avoid Coffee And Tea

It makes you to urinate frequently as tea and coffee have diuretic properties. So any beverage containing caffeine such as energy drinks, chocolates, soft drinks should be avoided to reduce bed wetting

Mustard Seeds Powder

It is a best natural cure bed wetting. It treats urinary diseases and reduces bed wetting. You can give your child one teaspoon of mustard powder mixed with milk an hour before bedtime. Even adults with bed wetting can have this to reduce bed wetting.

Cut down the amount of fluid you are supposed to drink before bed time. You can take fluids four hours before going to bed. This will reduce the urge to urinate during night and there will be no bed wetting.

Olive Oil:

If your child or an adult suffers from a chronic case of bed-wetting then, you can always use olive oil to cure the disease. All you have to do is to heat some olive oil and apply it on the lower abdomen area of the kid, teenager or adult while the oil is still warm. Massage the area gently for a few minutes. If this is done daily( Regular 5-10 minutes massage will cure the bedwetting problem in a few days) then, you will notice positive changes soon.

Avoid Spicy Foods

When you eat spicy foods, you will feel the urge to drink more water. Avoid having spicy foods in dinner to avoid more complications in bed wetting.

Bladder Exercise

Bladder exercise is one of the best methods to stop bedwetting in adults. It is an easy to do job. All you have to do is drink a lot of water. When you have a sudden urge to urinate, you will have to control. It will be problematic at first, but will help you in the long run.


These fruits are considered to bind to the stomach and have been used to prevent bedwetting at night. A banana taken at bedtime can reduce the urge to urinate. 

Raisins And Walnuts 

You can have handful of walnuts and raisins as a natural cure bed wetting. Also give it to your child t reduce bed wetting. Nuts are good for brain health and at the same time supply our body with many nutrients that are beneficial for bladder health.

Healthy Diet 

A diet rich in leafy vegetables and fiber is considered to be better for bedwetting patients. Almonds, milk, and sesame, which are rich in magnesium,calcium, and silica can also be taken.


How to treat bed wetting naturally? This is one of the famous home remedies for bed wetting in adults and children. You can give your child one teaspoon of gooseberry juice mixed with a pinch of black pepper every night before bed time. This also helps adults with bed wetting.


Honey has many medicinal uses and is used for almost all ailments. One of them is that it can be effectively used for bed wetting in children as well as adults. Having a teaspoon of honey in a glass of milk before bed time reduces bed wetting effectively. This is also one of the best natural home remedies for bed wetting in adults and children.

Check For Any Worm Infection

If a person is having worm infection then bed wetting can be a symptom of it. Check for any worm infections. If this is the case you can give 20 grams of jaggery to your teenager or adult in morning followed by one teaspoon celery seeds powder to treat worm infection. Repeat this for continuous four weeks.


While no magic pill exists to totally eliminate nocturnal enuresis, there are medications available that might provide relief. When used in conjunction with behavioral modifications the positive effects of medication are more effective. 
  • DESMOPRESSIN . By mimicking ADH or vasopressin, the kidney produces less urine.

  • IMIPRAMINE . Boasts a 40% success rate but also has a fine line between an effective dose and toxic dose.

  • Anticholinergic Medications. These prescription medications are effective for treating enuresis with detrusor overactivity, demonstrating success in 5-40% of cases. The main side effects with anticholinergic medications are dry mouth, dizziness, and blurred vision.

  • DARIFENACIN . This medication relieves bladder spasms and treats overactive bladder.

  • OXYBUTYNIN. Relaxes the detrusor muscle of the bladder.

  • TOLTERODINE . This medication is an antimuscarinic and functions much like oxybutynin.

  • TROSPIUM CHLORIDE . Treats an unstable bladder by blocking cholinergic receptors that are found on muscle cells in the wall of the bladder. Once the receptors are blocked, the bladder then can relax so overactivity does not occur.

  • SOLIFENACIN. This is a recently introduced anticholinergic that is a more selective antimuscarinic agent with fewer anticholinergic side-effects.

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