
Sunday 4 August 2019

Dr Olufunmilayo - Sleeping on the same bed with your babies can kill them

Dr Olufunmilayo said NEVER sleep in same bed as baby, it is a cause of sudden infant death. Bed sharing with baby is dangerous-Dr. Olufunmilayo

Medical doctor and social media influencer Dr. Olufunmilayo has warned new moms and dads to NEVER sleep in same bed as baby saying its causes sudden infant death, head injuries and falls among other things.

As a new mom/dad:

NEVER sleep in same bed as baby.

NEVER lie the baby on its chest.

NEVER smoke around baby.

NEVER over-wrap the baby.

These causes SUDDEN DEATH in babies and children under one year.

Please don’t blame your mother in law. Or village people especially for Africans.

Some people also say that sometimes adults move during sleep leading to the baby being pushed to the floor from bed/sofa and the parent not knowing. The baby could suffer head injuries and die. A baby should sleep face up in its own cot or in a safe Moses basket.

That’s it.

Also putting a baby face down could lead to suffocation and difficulty breathing which could easily lead to death- if this position was to be for a long period of time like a whole night of say 10-12 hours. Again, all babies should lie in their own cot, on their back, facing up.

Because sleeping on the chest can cause difficulties with breathing as the nose presses against the bed. Spending a whole night in that position can kill them before morning.

Smoking (or smokes) around a baby is very dangerous. The lungs of a baby are still immature and inhaling secondhand smoke can easily cause suffocation, very serious damage and severe chest infections like pneumonia that can become life threatening and kill the baby.

Over-wrapping a baby is unsafe because once you overwrap a baby too tightly it makes it difficult for the baby to move. Now if the baby is faced down and suffocating already, inability to turn head and move to breathe will ensure the baby’s death.

Wrap a baby. But don’t overdo.

Finally, as a new parent/guardian, Follow all these advice, Take your baby far from smokers or places with smoke, far from people who randomly kiss/lick babies, far from overzealous people who will overwrap them and far from any unsafe practice.

His twit below

Other Findings

Co-Sleeping, Room-Sharing, and Bed-Sharing

Many people use the terms "bed-sharing" and "co-sleeping" to describe the same thing, but there are differences:

Co-sleeping: This is when a parent and child sleep in close social or physical contact of each other, meaning that each can tell that the other is nearby.

Room-sharing and bed-sharing are types of co-sleeping:

Room-sharing: This is when parents have a crib in the room with them; a bassinet, portable crib, or play yard near the bed; or a bedside sleeper attached to the side of the parental bed.

Bed-sharing: This is when parents and infants sleep together in a bed. This has raised concerns because bed-sharing with an infant increases the risk sleep-related deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

          Why Some People Bed-Share

  • Bed-sharing supporters believe — and some studies support their beliefs — that bed-sharing:

  • encourages breastfeeding by making nighttime breastfeeding more convenient

  • makes it easier for a nursing mother to get her sleep cycle in sync with her baby's

  • helps babies fall asleep more easily, especially during their first few months and when they wake up in the middle of the night

  • helps babies get more nighttime sleep (because they awaken more often with shorter feeding time, which can add up to a greater amount of sleep throughout the night)

  • helps parents regain closeness with their infant after being separated from their babies during the workday

But do the risks of bed-sharing outweigh the benefits?

Is Bed-Sharing Safe?

In some non-Western cultures, bed-sharing is common and the number of infant deaths related to it is lower than in the West. Differences in mattresses, bedding, and other cultural practices may account for the lower risk in these countries.

Despite the possible pros, various U.S. medical groups warn parents not to place their infants to sleep in adult beds due to serious safety risks. Bed-sharing puts babies at risk of suffocation, strangulation, and SIDS.

Studies have found that bed-sharing is the most common cause of deaths in babies, especially those 3 months and younger.

An adult bed has many safety risks for a baby, including:

  • suffocation from a soft mattress, memory foam, waterbed, or loose or soft bedding such as pillows, blankets, or quilts

  • entrapment and suffocation when an infant gets trapped or wedged between a mattress and headboard, wall, or other object

  • strangulation in a bed frame that allows part of an infant's body to pass through an area while trapping the baby's head, or from dangling cords

Among older infants (4 to 12 months old) who died due to bed-sharing, having an additional item (like a pillow or a blanket) on the bed increased the risk of death. Babies should always be placed to sleep on their backs on a firm mattress without any pillows, blankets, toys, stuffed animals, or other items.

Because of the risks involved, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) advise against bed-sharing.

The AAP does recommend the practice of room-sharing without bed-sharing. Sleeping in the parents' room but on a separate surface lowers a baby's risk of SIDS.

Besides the potential safety risks, sharing a bed with a baby sometimes prevent parents from getting a good night's sleep. And infants who sleep with their parents learn to associate sleep with being close to a parent in the parent's bed, which can become a problem at naptime or when the baby needs to go to sleep before the parent is ready.

Bed-Sharing & SIDS

Bed-sharing increases the risk of SIDS, especially in preterm infants (preemies), babies with low birth weight, and healthy full-term infants younger than 4 months old.

Other things that further increase this risk of death while bed-sharing include:

  • a baby sleeping on a couch alone or with a parent

  • a baby sleeping between two parents

  • a mother who smokes

  • parents who are extremely tired

  • a parent who has recently used alcohol or drugs

  • bed-sharing with pillows or bedcovers

  • bed-sharing with other children

How to Room-Share Safely

To avoid the risks of bed sharing while enjoying the benefits of room-sharing, parents have lots of options. To keep your little one close by, but not in your bed, you could:

Put a bassinet, play yard, or crib next to your bed. This lets you keep that desired closeness, which can be especially important if you're breastfeeding. Having an infant sleep in a separate space in the same room as the mother reduces the risk of SIDS.

Consider using a bedside sleeper, which attaches to your bed to allow you and your baby to be next to each other but on a separate surface.

The CPSC has recommended safety standards for bedside sleepers, but no studies have looked at whether these devices prevent SIDS and other sleep-related deaths or injuries.

How to Bed-Share as Safely as Possible
Despite the risks of bed-sharing, some parents decide this sleeping arrangement is best for their family. If you do choose to share your bed with your baby, follow these precautions:

  • Don't share a bed with an infant under 4 months of age — a bassinet or crib next to the bed is a better choice.

  • Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS.

  • Dress your baby in minimal clothing to avoid overheating.

  • Don't place a baby to sleep alone in an adult bed.

  • Don't place a baby on a soft surface to sleep, such as a soft mattress, sofa, or waterbed.

  • Make sure your bed's headboard and footboard don't have openings or cutouts that could trap your baby's head.

  • Make sure your mattress fits snugly in the bed frame so that your baby won't become trapped between the frame and the mattress.

  • Don't cover your child's head while sleeping.

  • Don't use pillows, comforters, quilts, and other soft or plush items on the bed. You can dress your baby in a sleeper instead of using blankets.

  • Don't drink alcohol or use medicines or drugs that could keep you from waking or might cause you to roll over onto, and therefore suffocate, your baby.

  • Don't place your bed near draperies or blinds where your child could be get caught in and strangled by cords.

  • Don't fall asleep with a baby on your chest.

  • Don't sleep on couches, recliners, or rockers with a baby.

Moving Out of the Parents' Room

Experts recommend that infants sleep in their parents' room until their first birthday. If parents prefer to move the baby to another bedroom, it's best to wait until their child is at least 6 months of age.

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